October 9, 2016

12 Blogging Mistakes Most Beginner Bloggers Make

Posted by Romeltea on October 9, 2016

12 Blogging Mistakes Most Beginner Bloggers Make
Sometimes, when I tell people that I blog for a living, they roll their eyes. "That's so easy," they say. "You get a paycheck for sitting on the internet all day and writing. A monkey could do your job!"

That's when I roll my eyes. See, people are quick to deem blogging as a no-brainer job. But when they actually sit down to write their first couple of posts, it hits them: This is way harder than I thought. Like any person starting a new job, they mess things up.

That's okay -- it happens to pretty much every new blogger. Luckily, it's pretty easy to avoid these roadblocks if you know they're coming.

Read More: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/beginner-blogger-mistakes#sm.00001ixomd3uxyeyytu7zas99k5du

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